Kick-off DE of the HeatlhyMinorCereals consortium

16. 10.–18. 10. 2013

The HealthyMinorCereals consortium met in Prague, Czech Republic at the kick-off meeting.
Representatives of all 16 project partners met for two days in Prague to start the HealthyMinorCereals project. Dagmar Janovska, Coordinator, thanked all consortium partners for their support so far during the proposal and contract negotiation phases. Pavel Cermak, director of the Crop Research Institute, welcomed the consortium in Prague and gave an overview of the history and activities of the Institute. Each partner then presented the organisation he/she represents in the project. WP leaders gave an overview and described activities and tasks of their workpackages, followed by lively discussions of specific points and detailed planning for the first year of the project. CRI presented also administrative and financial management of the project, required reporting and the system of communication within the consortium. At the end of the meeting CRI organised a press conference with Czech press. As well as CRI, PROBIO and Selgen, the three Czech partners, Paul Bilsborrow (United Kingdom) and Dora Drexler (Hungary) volunteered to represent the international aspect of the consortium. The HealthyMinorCereals project has been given coverage in several press articles, also Dagmar Janovská and Martina Eiseltová feature in the video produced by the Czech press Úroda aimed at farmers, and Vojtěch Holubec was interviewed on Czech breakfast news TV on Friday morning during the meeting.
Attachment:  Participants of the kick-off meeting [360.9 kB, jpg]
Agenda [21.3 kB, pdf]